Mindfulness and MBSR courses for individuals and organizations
Ilan Oseran, Health Psychologist
Mindfulness Workshops for Organizations
In addition to the standard MBSR course, many organizations around the world (including Google and Facebook) are now offering their teams mindfulness workshops, which can be tailored to their particular needs.
These highly interactive workshops are a great opportunity to bring mindfulness and experiential learning into your organization.
Research has found that mindfulness interventions in the workplace can improve mental health for at-risk employees (Huang et al., 2019), as described in the Harvard Helath Blog - "A mindful worker is a happier worker" (see all references below). Others have found that when managers are more mindful, their employees report greater self-confidence, reduced emotional exhaustion and increased job satisfaction (Reb et al., 2014). Similar benefits have been found following participation in an online course for employees (Aikens et al., 2014).
A variety of workshops are available:
The 1-3 hour workshops introduce your team to the practice of mindfulness in the workplace, including theory and one (or more) experiential mindfulness practice(s).
The full-day workshop further develops the introductory concepts, theory, research, and applications of mindfulness, with a particular emphasis on mindfulness in daily life.
A customized workshop (4-weekly 1-hour workshops, 2 full days, etc.) can be tailored to your teams particular interests and availability!
These workshops can provide participants valuable tools and techniques to improve wellbeing and concentration, and increase their engagement at work and other areas in their lives.
Some of the topics which can be included in a customized workshop can include:
What is mindfulness?
Experiential mindfulness meditation practices
The research behind mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness in the Workplace
Mindfulness for Mental Health, including Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
Mindfulness for improved focus, self-awareness, emotion regulation, and resilience
Hebrew and English workshops are available.
For more information feel free to contact me
Aikens, K. A., Astin, J., Pelletier, K. R., Levanovich, K., Baase, C. M., Park, Y. Y., & Bodnar, C. M. (2014). Mindfulness goes to work. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56(7), 721-731.
Harvard Health Blog - https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/a-mindful-worker-is-a-happier-worker-201510068391
Huang, S. L., Li, R. H., Huang, F. Y., & Tang, F. C. (2015). The potential for mindfulness-based intervention in workplace mental health promotion: results of a randomized controlled trial. PloS one, 10(9), e0138089.
Reb, J., Narayanan, J., & Chaturvedi, S. (2014). Leading mindfully: Two studies on the influence of supervisor trait mindfulness on employee well-being and performance. Mindfulness, 5(1), 36-45.